One minute you are Gram and Pop Pop and the next thing you know you are a giant sea turtle! It can happen! It can happen to you!
An hour spent with our two-year-old grand-daughter was a transformation. Maybe no one else in the world even knew or felt it, but it happened. The world was changed. A relationship was strengthened. From this day forward, we will have been “big sea ‘tuh-tles’ together.”
What a privilege to be invited into her world. One minute she wanted us to teach and protect her, the next she was trying out her own brand of two-year old -servant-leadership as she fed us and told us stories. What a joy to rekindle our own imaginations and see the impossible right in the middle of same old same old.
What if I missed this because I was too busy working?
     (Confession, I too often am doing just that.)
What if I missed this because I was too busy texting or checking social media?
     (No one loves social media more than me, so I get it.)
What if I missed this because I was too busy trying to capture it and stage it perfectly?
​     (Yep, guilty again.)