Think about this! Your words are powerful.
You might have heard the old saying that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” On one hand there is some truth in that. You can make an intentional choice to think past those hurtful words, but did you catch that? Hurtful words! People can learn to get over them, to move past them, but the words are still hurtful. Hurtful words can begin to write a story in the mind, especially the mind of a child; a story that is not true; a story that tears them down.
Now imagine a child you know. Children look to adults in their lives to help shape they way they view themselves and their view of the world. They trust us. Our words become a quiet voice in their minds that guides them, that writes their story, a story that almost always follows them into adulthood.
Your words have the power to build up or to tear down. The influence our words have can never be underestimated. Just because we spend so much time together and are so familiar with one another, does not mean we can let our guard down. We can’t assume that our children know we love and approve of them. We need to tell them. Remember, our words become the words they use to navigate their own experiences. The words we use and how we say them can help our children navigate fear, disappointment, anger, excitement, love, defeat, victory, and happiness. Speak to the heart of your child.
To get a cheerful infographic with 20 Ways to say “Good for you!” Click here
Here’s a short list to get you off to a quick start to building grateful hearts in children.
When they get it right!
“I like how you think!” “That’s a good way to do it.”
When they get it wrong!
“That was a good try!” “Every time you practice, you get better!”
When they are follow through?
“Wow! I did not even ask you to do that!” “I’m really impressed.”
Just because . . .
“You inspire me.” “I can’t believe I get to be your mom.”